Oil, Water & Rope

A little shoot at the weekend with Nadia, who had seen an image of a nude with oil, water & chains online and asked if we could have a try out at shooting something similar.

We came a bit unstuck in that we couldn’t locate any chain in time but I did have some thick blue rope, so we thought we would go with it and see how it worked out

I’d not really shot anything like this before so it was a lot of fun to try out, I got a water spray bottle from the £1 shop in town and made sure the water inside it was warm before spraying it on her, you need loads of oil for this sort of shoot and we just used normal baby oil.

I think this is a step away from my normal editing style, as they are quite harsh. I did a lot of sharpening of the water droplets and the rope in Photoshop to make it all stand out a bit more, but I really like the way they have turned out. All images are lit by window light only, with a bit of light reflected back in by way of my big mirror.

Initially the images were all going to be mono because I was a bit concerned the blue rope wouldn’t look great in a colour image however I think I was wrong there, it actually looks great. I must try some more images along this style,

Thanks for looking, and as ever, if you want to get in touch I would love to hear from you. :)

Thanks for reading :)


Tewkesbury & Gloucestershire Photographer

Nadia, Oil, Water, Rope
Oil, Water, Rope, Colour
Oil, Water, Rope, Chesterfield